This is me in my surrounding paradise! I am thrilled with your interest in my writing.

Why Subscribe?

💚 To learn about the wonders of plant-based diets from a scientist focusing on health.

💃 I am thrilled you are a plant-curious soul looking to educate yourself about plant-based diets. As a bonus, you might get inspired to make your decisions more confidently and easily.

😀 Remember, no labels are needed to benefit from this work. Whether you're a vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, or simply plant-curious, there's something here for everyone.

What can you expect when joining me? Monday posts on:

  • Evidence-based: Scientific facts on plant-based diets & related topics

  • Mouth-watering inspiration: Occasionally, I share my favorite and carefully picked recipes

  • Own experience: Occasionally, I share my thoughts about my plant-based journey, trail running & the beauty of Corsica along the way

More reasons to subscribe:

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🗣️ Looking forward to hearing your burning questions or topics you’d like me to cover. Please feel free to write me.

About me

👩‍💻 I have a background in Food Science, a PhD in Chemistry, and 5+ years of experience in a scientific consultancy firm based in France.

🏃🏼‍♀️ When I am not reading, writing, or geeking in front of my computer, I am trail running, backpacking, swimming, and exploring my surroundings. I live in Corsica.

✍️ Writing speaks to my heart. I first created this project to answer burning questions from friends. I like marrying my scientific competencies with a relaxed story-telling narrative. Quite frankly, scientific papers can be discouraging to many people with their technical and often complex takeaways. I am here to democratize knowledge.

🧑‍🌾 As granddaughter of farmers, food always played a significant role in our family relations. I grew up picking eggs from the chicken coop, eating veggies from the garden, and meat from animals raised and slaughtered by my family. My favorite breakfast meal? Avocado smoothie - from our avocado trees. Running barefoot at my grandparents’ property was freedom at its best for the city kid I was.

⏳Years passed, and I became drawn to plant-based foods. I started wondering about the actual health benefits of a plant-based diet. Can I thrive on this diet as an amateur athlete? What is the potential impact of the diet on my daily life, such as social gatherings? As a Food Scientist, I turned to scientific journals and books to look for answers. Regarding other burning questions, I had to see them for myself, including trail running performances.

🏃‍♀️ When it comes to properly training - in a trail running club - I started only in late October 2023. Before this life milestone, running was always a great excuse to get out in the woods and revamp the energy. I wouldn’t run for 30 minutes in a row, mainly in the forest next to my house. Until the day I made an encounter that changed how I saw this sport. A surprising discovery of an inner freedom state followed, and trail running conquered me. A couple of years later, I moved to Corsica, an enchanting playground for outdoor sports. It was time to look closely at trail running and how the diet may influence running. As you could have guessed by now, I am fueled mainly by plants (with a few exceptions like ice cream🍧👀).  

😃 Fun factoid: I made the podium in my first race — with still minor training. Is the plant-based diet my secret? I am trying to figure that out! Anyhow, a big shout-out to my running pals. Without them, I’d still be postponing the project of discovering my best self.

Credits: Hélène Romagnesi

Thanks for making my learning journey more exciting. Without you, this newsletter makes no sense. Let’s exchange!

PS: Do you know anyone who might be interested in the topic? Feel free to share the Newsletter with them. Thank you!

Subscribe to Fernanda Eats Plants

Learn about the perks of a plant-based diet from a scientist. My conviction: When we care for our health, we are empowered and able to care for others and the planet, which is crucial for our collective future.


Worked for several multinational companies such as Nestlé, DuPont, and Bunge as an Innovation Consultant. My background: Food Scientist + PhD in Chemistry. Lifestyle: Plant-based Advocate.💚 Amateur Trail Runner.🏃🏼‍♀️Based in Corsica. 🏖️🏔️