Jul 2Liked by Fernanda Haffner, PhD

I like the exercise. I think this kind of exercise is extremely helpful for anyone just beginning their dietary journey. Thinking in terms of creating health is critical, and sadly, something most people do not pay attention to...

I think the exercise can be further simplified by including fiber as a main topic...eat enough fiber with plenty of hydration, and iron, calcium, and zinc intake will be just fine! Also, I think the oils need to be fresh and unprocessed. Sadly, there is a lack of regulation guiding the term 'cold pressed,' meaning a producer could slap it on the label, then send the oil to a refinery to deodorize and make shelf-stable.

Finally, thanks for the shoutout...I'm thrilled you enjoyed the cake experience and recipe.

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Great inputs, Jack.

Is it true that the regulations guiding the term 'cold pressed' aren't strict? I didn't know that... I wonder how to verify the integrity of labels....🤨 I'll pay more attention to it from now on.

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Jul 3Liked by Fernanda Haffner, PhD

Fortunately, the EU has some guidelines, but for those outside the EU, the laws and regulations are hazy, at best. Plus, no one is actually enforcing anything on the label that says cold-pressed. Part of that problem has to do with what happens after a seed or fruit is pressed (that may, in fact, be cold-pressed). Most oils are subsequently processed to improve shelf life and eliminate unwanted odors in the oil... Shelf life is king in this game. Our health isn't even in the equation in most cases, which is why I recommend very little use of oil unless it is of top quality and unprocessed. One of my favorite Tuscan olive oil producers once mused to me, "People spend more money and attention on the oil they put in their cars than in their body." I agree...

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Enlightening! Thanks for sharing it.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Fernanda Haffner, PhD

Thanks for the article, educating ourselves and breaking the myths of the past is fondamental for our future and present well-being

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